Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Tassey`s Uncas - SH - male - 1963-04-27 Owner: -unknown-,     Breeder: -unknown-       
maleCheenah`s Moby Dick - SH
52 Steve Tassey ,
maleTassey`s Lemon - SH
50 Steve Tassey ,
maleIzok of Gap Mountain - SH
48 William Belletete,
  Pic   maleWonalancet`s Baldy of Alyeska - SH-40 Milton & Eva Seeley,
femaleDuchess of Cold River - SH-42 Marie Turner-Resnick,
  Pic   femaleIgloo Pak Cheenah - SH
45 Roland Lombard,
maleLaddy of Wonalancet - SH-38 Milton & Eva Seeley,
femaleTchuchis of Wonalancet - SH-39 Milton & Eva Seeley,
femaleFoxstand`s Molinka - SH
maleFoxstand`s Java - SH
maleVanka of Seppala 2nd - SH-35 Harry Roberts Wheeler,
femaleSigrid III of Foxstand - SH-na Alec Belford,
femaleNya Nya of Seppala - SH
39 Harry Roberts Wheeler,
maleKingeak of Seppala 2nd - SH-35 Harry Roberts Wheeler,
femalePearl of Seppala 2nd - SH-35 Harry Roberts Wheeler,
femaleValentina - SH
maleJoe - SH
maleDrummer Of Pisgah - SH
maleIzok of Gap Mountain - SH-48 William Belletete,
femaleNayume of Vern-Mont - SH-na
femaleTanis of Pisgah - SH
maleMulpus Brook`s Town Talk - SH-54 Jean Lane Bryar,
femaleTarno of Arrowhead - SH-51 David Tuttle ,
femaleChristy`s Snow Flake - SH
maleRocky Of Calivali - SH
na Calivali,
maleWhite Water Lake Knight - SH-47 Anthony Landry,
femaleSeesu Of Cold River - SH-51 Marie Turner-Resnick,
femaleDama Of Monadnock - SH
54 Thomas H Bullock ,
maleKita Kitah Of Chebacco - SH-48 Josephine M Brady ,
femaleStar of Chebacco - SH-53

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants