Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Run Before Beauty`s Zero - SH - female - 2000-07-05 Owner: Joël Reyniers ,     Breeder: Joël Reyniers          Pic 
  Pic   maleWill To Go Xsnuffy - SH
98 Christian Hames ,
maleWill To Go Scotch - SH
  Pic   maleNorth Force`s Snickers - SH
  Pic   maleLokiboden`s Mr Snuffalupagus - SH-85 Sysab & Leigh Gilchrist (CA),
  Pic   femaleZero`s Vegas - SH-86 Harris & Ginger Dunlap ,
femaleNorth Force`s Jade - SH
maleNorth Force`s PB Max - SH-na
femaleNorth Force`s Aerial - SH-90 Charlie Piper (USA),
femaleSinuvoda`s Caledonia - SH
maleSinuvoda`s Twig - SH
maleSinuvoda`s Bruyawe Kolpatch - SH-82 William & Marie Brisbois ,
femaleZero`s Scramble - SH-na
femaleZeros Sierra - SH
  Pic   maleZero`s Brew Tupilak of Altbaug - SH-82 H.Dunlap,
  Pic   femaleZero`s Vegas - SH-86 Harris & Ginger Dunlap ,
  Pic   femaleRun Before Beauty`s Vecheyen - SH
97 Joël Reyniers ,
  Pic   maleNorth Force`s Snickers - SH
  Pic   maleLokiboden`s Mr Snuffalupagus - SH
85 Sysab & Leigh Gilchrist (CA),
maleLokiboden`s Tango - SH-79 Sysab & Leigh Gilchrist (CA),
  Pic   femaleIgloo Pak`s Sitka - SH-79 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   femaleZero`s Vegas - SH
86 Harris & Ginger Dunlap ,
  Pic   maleZero`s Brew Tupilak of Altbaug - SH-82 H.Dunlap,
  Pic   femaleZero`s Rory - SH-79 Harris & Ginger Dunlap ,
  Pic   femaleSomerset Island Quoia - SH
na Ronny Desmet (Belgium),
  Pic   maleDusty Of Mount Mackenzie - SH
maleNome Gilfy - SH-86 J.Pedersen,
femaleLizzy Of Mount Mackenzie - SH-84 M.Labove ,
femaleSomerset Island Megan - SH
na Ronny Desmet (Belgium),
maleSno-sepp`s Ely Of Sepp-alta - SH-84 Dave Pease,
femaleAlka-Shan`s Question-Mark - SH-86 Anneliese Braun-Witschel,

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants
  Pic   femaleRun Before Beauty`s Corona (03)femaleRun Before Beauty`s Chance (03)maleRun Before Beauty`s Conan (03)  Pic   maleRun Before Beauty`s Calimero (03)