Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Polar Speed Kanerva - SH - female - 1989-10-15 Owner: -unknown-,     Breeder: Reijo Jaaskelainen       
malePolar Speed Metcor - SH
86 Reijo Jaaskelainen,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Candy To - SH
74 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH
65 Anne Wing,
malePosey Williwah - SH-62 Charles Posey,
femaleHolly Of Calivali - SH-63 R. Bowles,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH
70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,
maleIgloo Pak Candy - SH-65 Roland Lombard,
femaleNubi Of Calivali - SH-na
femalePolar Speed Kazangina - SH
86 Reijo Jaaskelainen,
malePolar Speed Kazan - SH
81 Reijo Jaaskelainen,
malePolar Speed Wolf - SH-80 Reijo Jaaskelainen,
femaleWilli - SH-78
femaleLola - SH
maleNugget Of Calivali - SH-75
femaleArctic Trail`s Who of Kelsons - SH-74 Lloyd Slocum ,
femalePolar Speed Tuhkimo - SH
81 Reijo Jaaskelainen,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Candy To - SH
74 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH
65 Anne Wing,
malePosey Williwah - SH-62 Charles Posey,
femaleHolly Of Calivali - SH-63 R. Bowles,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH
70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,
maleIgloo Pak Candy - SH-65 Roland Lombard,
femaleNubi Of Calivali - SH-na
femaleWilli - SH
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Candy To - SH
74 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH-65 Anne Wing,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH-70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,
femaleArctic Trail`s Who of Kelsons - SH
74 Lloyd Slocum ,
maleArctic Trail`s Fang - SH-72 Lloyd Slocum ,
femaleArctic Trail`s Zero - SH-67 Lloyd Slocum ,

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants
femalePolar Speed Pihka (95)femalePolar Speed Sade (95)malePolar Speed Gastor (95)malePolar Speed Palsa (95)malePolar Speed Ransu (95)femalePolar Speed Paju (95)
femalePolar Speed Susie (94)femalePolar Speed Ulpu (94)malePolar Speed Esko (94)malePolar Speed Iiro (94)malePolar Speed Korri (94)femalePolar Speed Heli (94)
malePolar Speed Pallas (93)malePolar Speed Ounas (93)femalePolar Speed Kätkä (93)femalePolar Speed Haldi (93)malePolar Speed Kärli (92)malePolar Speed Cancano (92)