Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Oomiks Ouista - SH - male - 1966-06-05 Owner: Joseph Ensminger ,     Breeder: Marion Roof       
maleArctic Flame Of Long`s Peak - SH
64 Robert Tidrich ,
maleReginald Of Baltic - SH
maleTeko Zema - SH
59 John & Ruth Cline ,
maleStony River`s Ootah - SH-55 James & Lucille Hudson,
femaleBaltic Chilla`s Gay Charmer - SH-57 John & Ruth Cline ,
femaleBaltic Chilla Chima - SH
55 Jerry & Yvonne Nemecek ,
maleCheechako Of Timberland - SH-54 Herbert Putz,
femaleStony River`s Chima - SH-52 Mrs James Hudson ,
femaleSheelekai Of Kenai - SH
malePoco Of Little Alaska - SH
maleLeonard of Penn Forest - SH-52
femaleNeva of Seppala - SH-53
femaleLittle Tomcat Of Monadnock - SH
55 Lorna Demidoff,
maleIzok of Gap Mountain - SH-48 William Belletete,
femaleMonadnock Czarina - SH-54 Lorna Demidoff,
femaleOomik`s Tasha - SH
maleOomiks Jo - SH
maleShady Lane`s Mikola - SH
maleIgloo Pak`s Suggen - SH-50 Roland Lombard,
femaleShady Lane` Silver Mist - SSSD-56
femaleShady Lane`s Ooloo - SH
maleIgloo Pak`s Suggen - SH-50 Roland Lombard,
femaleKatcha Of Gatineau - SH-49
femaleSnow Ridge Oolik II - SH
maleBryar`s Texas - SH
56 Jean Lane,
maleBoyarka Of Seppala - SSSD-55
femaleTamara - SH-50 J August Duval,
femaleSnow Ridge Oolik - SH
maleManawan`s Chieftain - SH-50 S B Stanyar (Canada) ,
femaleIgloo Pak`s Weejet - SH-50 Clifford & Mary Winton ,

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants
femaleTawny Hill Larna O`Monadnock (69)femaleMonadnock Natasha Ii (00)