Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Jemano Fanta - SH - female - 2013-05-06 Owner: Goris, Stefan     Breeder: Onno de Jong       
  Pic   maleRun Before Beauty`s Ike - SH
09 Joël Reyniers ,
  Pic   maleIcebell`s Carlos - SH
07 Christof Diehl,
  Pic   maleIcebell´s Shadow - SH
02 Christof Diehl,
  Pic   maleSnöexpressens Timon - SH-98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
femaleRuby - SH-96
  Pic   femaleIcebell`s X`Nellie - SH
04 Christof Diehl,
  Pic   maleSnöexpressens Timon - SH-98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
  Pic   femaleShaktoolik H´Scout - SH-01 Oyen, Detlef
  Pic   femaleRun Before Beauty`s Corona - SH
03 Joël Reyniers ,
  Pic   malePrairie`s Song Ace - SH
maleWill To Go Verdi - SH-na Christian Hames ,
femaleWill To Go Vbounty - SH-na Christian Hames ,
  Pic   femaleRun Before Beauty`s Zero - SH
00 Joël Reyniers ,
  Pic   maleWill To Go Xsnuffy - SH-98 Christian Hames ,
  Pic   femaleRun Before Beauty`s Vecheyen - SH-97 Joël Reyniers ,
femaleJemano Corona - SH
08 Onno de Jong ,
maleAttila Of Amnesia - SH
na Daniela Bigalke ,
maleTrinity Kennel`s O-Boomer - SH
96 Petra Nölle ,
maleTrinity Kennel`s Bugs - SH-na Petra Nölle ,
femaleFortsalong`s Diamond - SH-na Vincent & Carole Buoniello,
femaleSnöexpressens Nala - SH
98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
maleJehu - SH-90
femaleFun Run Ripa - SH-93 Maria Lindquist,
femaleOwlshill Casey - SH
06 Arno Streichl (Germany) ,
maleA`Noodle Of Dirty Bootes - SH
maleShaktoolik J´Sugar Rae - SH-92 Oyen, Detlef
femaleHusky Fant´s K´Moonlight - SH-93 Oyen, Detlef
femaleOwlshill Belisha - SH
  Pic   maleSnöexpressens Timon - SH-98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
femaleRun With The Wolves Asta - SH-na

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants
maleAre to Run O' Lexx (15)femaleAre to Run Olena (15)maleAre to Run Onyx (15)femaleAre to Run Olive (15)femaleAre to Run Okidoki (15)femaleAre to Run Omega (15)
femaleAre to Run Oxigen (15)maleAre to Run Olwenn (15)maleAre to Run Opal (15)