Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Finnemarka`s Beauty - SH - female - 0000-00-00 Owner: -unknown-,     Breeder: Christen Rose - Andersen       
maleFinnemarka`s GrĂ¥ningen - SH
na Christen Rose - Andersen,
maleZero`s Sparkey - SH
78 H.Dunlap,
maleCalamity Of Snowmass - SH
maleSnowmass Copper Kaylee - SH-na
femaleSilver Missy - SH-70 Fort Salonga,
femaleZero`s Wisp - SH
na H.Dunlap,
  Pic   maleZero`s Bumper - SH-70 H.Dunlap,
femaleZero`s Cloud - SH-na H.Dunlap,
femaleZero`s Gleemer - SH
74 H.Dunlap,
maleZero`s Stomper - SH
72 H.Dunlap,
  Pic   maleZero`s Bumper - SH-70 H.Dunlap,
femaleTonia Of Taigu - SH-na
femaleZero`s Kena - SH
72 H.Dunlap,
  Pic   maleZero`s Bumper - SH-70 H.Dunlap,
femaleDecca Of Brookville - SH-65
femaleFinnemarka`s Sogna - SH
na Christen Rose - Andersen,
maleZero`s Ruehoe - SH
82 H.Dunlap,
maleZero`s Midnight - SH
na H.Dunlap,
maleZero`s Crazy - SH-74 H.Dunlap,
femaleZero`s Spicer - SH-72 H.Dunlap,
femaleZero`s Tar - Baby - SH
na H.Dunlap,
maleWindwillow`s Mike - SH-na
femaleZero`s Nutty Lady - SH-72 H.Dunlap,
femaleIgloo Pak Daisy - SH
80 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Clyde - SH
77 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH-65 Anne Wing,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH-70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,
femaleIgloo Pak Beech - SH
77 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH-65 Anne Wing,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH-70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants
malePiro (00)