Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Majakan Tipik - SH - male - 1981-06-27 Owner: -unknown-,     Breeder: Majakan       
maleSunnyboyto - SH
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Candy To - SH
74 Roland Lombard,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH
65 Anne Wing,
malePosey Williwah - SH-62 Charles Posey,
femaleHolly Of Calivali - SH-63 R. Bowles,
femaleKoonah`s Spice - SH
70 Robert & Nancy Dennison,
maleIgloo Pak Candy - SH-65 Roland Lombard,
femaleNubi Of Calivali - SH-na
femaleArctic Trail`s Who of Kelsons - SH
74 Lloyd Slocum ,
maleArctic Trail`s Fang - SH
72 Lloyd Slocum ,
  Pic   maleIgloo Pak Wing-A - SH-65 Anne Wing,
femaleArctic Trail`s Kola - SH-na Lloyd Slocum ,
femaleArctic Trail`s Zero - SH
67 Lloyd Slocum ,
maleWinvan’s Nikki - SH-65
femaleArctic Trail`s Minnie - SH-na Lloyd Slocum ,
femaleSirkis - SH
maleSepäjoen Ara - SH
78 Kari-markku Karjalainen,
  Pic   maleZero`s Bumper - SH
70 H.Dunlap,
maleZero`s Three Spots - SH-64 H.Dunlap,
femaleZero`s Rena - SH-67 H.Dunlap,
femaleAstrea Zita - SH
maleJet Pilot Of Anadyr - SH-68 Anadyr,
femaleGreen Beret`s Snowy Anusjka - SH-70
femaleKioga - SH
maleFinnemarka`s Teepee - SH
75 Christen Rose - Andersen,
maleNeka Nemik Of Natomah - SH-na
femaleNatomah`s Vesle Lisa - SH-na
female -
male - -
female - -

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same father        descendants