Display Dogs
Pedigree of:    Jemano Chicca - SH - female - 2008-05-10 Owner: Onno de Jong ,     Breeder: Onno de Jong       
maleAttila Of Amnesia - SH
na Daniela Bigalke ,
maleTrinity Kennel`s O-Boomer - SH
96 Petra Nölle ,
maleTrinity Kennel`s Bugs - SH
na Petra Nölle ,
maleKodiak`s Cruiser II - SH-87 Deborah Fogary ,
femaleGeny Of Indian Lakes - SH-85 Peter Kuhn ,
femaleFortsalong`s Diamond - SH
na Vincent & Carole Buoniello,
maleFortsalong`s Jesse - SH-na Vincent & Carole Buoniello,
femaleFortsalong`s Uggie - SH-na Vincent & Carole Buoniello,
femaleSnöexpressens Nala - SH
98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
maleJehu - SH
maleZero`s Ruehoe - SH-82 H.Dunlap,
femaleUnisak´s Flash - SH-86 Nils and Sickan Hjelm,
femaleFun Run Ripa - SH
93 Maria Lindquist,
maleFinnemarka`s RUE-HOE II - SH-89 R.Legård,
femaleFinnemarka`s Molly - SH-86 Christen Rose - Andersen,
femaleOwlshill Casey - SH
06 Arno Streichl (Germany) ,
maleA`Noodle Of Dirty Bootes - SH
maleShaktoolik J´Sugar Rae - SH
92 Oyen, Detlef
maleShaktoolik A´Bumper - SH-88 Oyen, Detlef
femaleVolkovoj`s Lara - SH-89 M Aspaas ,
femaleHusky Fant´s K´Moonlight - SH
93 Oyen, Detlef
maleShaktoolik A´Bumper - SH-88 Oyen, Detlef
femaleZero`s Mixer - SH-na H.Dunlap,
femaleOwlshill Belisha - SH
  Pic   maleSnöexpressens Timon - SH
98 Ann-Marie Kuru,
maleJehu - SH-90
femaleFun Run Ripa - SH-93 Maria Lindquist,
femaleRun With The Wolves Asta - SH
maleAlka-Shan Nabucco - SH-93 Anneliese Braun-Witschel,
femaleGlacier Of Amli-Noma - SH-94 G Dolif (Germany) ,

sibling :
same litter other litters same father same mother        descendants